
Relaxing massage

Immerse yourself in a feeling of peace and harmony with a gentle massage with slow movements that will make you forget about stress and help you relax your body and mind.

Relaxing massage

Relieve tension and contractures with an intense massage, which will reactivate your tone and circulation, relieving pain.

Craniofacial and foot massage

Relieves migraines, headaches, stress, overwork, and connects your inner self with the reflex points of your feet.

Foot reflexology

It has been used in China for centuries. The foot reflects, at precise points, the organs and the different areas of the body. By working on these points we can calm down, eliminate toxins and achieve physical and emotional balance.


Stimulation of the lymphatic system, relieving tired legs and facilitating the elimination of fluids with slow and gentle emptying movements.


Aesthetic massage that helps fight sagging, cellulite and fat accumulation in different areas of the body. Smoothes and tightens the skin, stimulating the production of collagen and elastin.